Sunday, December 14, 2008

A year review in photos: 2008

To review 2008
Pictures are as follows:
1. Canada: Victoria, B.C.
2. Chinese New Year, Seattle
3. Vancouver, B.C. - beach
4. Patrice - keeping order in the court
5. Bird Cage Art - Asian Art Museum
6. Hiking in Seattle
7. Lake Union's houseboats
8. International District

For more from Canada and Oregon go to my travel blog!

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About Me

My photo
The blog documenting my time on the west coast, 2007-8 is named after the first time I wore a short sleeved shirt when I was little and upon seeing my arms I freaked out and yelled "Big Arms, Big Arms!" I would like to befriend a swan with Mom and we would ride it into the sunset.

My other blogs!!

Read about Victoria and Oregon coast brew pub jaunt.

Read about my adventures in Buenos Aires.


Sarah's shared items